Do you ever just feel like life doesn’t slow down? That’s how I’ve felt since my last post. Sorry guys! Most of it hasn’t even been farm/house related 😅. Although we have done some demo that I plan to share in my next post.
(Sunrise at the property on July 31)
So what has kept us so busy? In the past 6 weeks, we had 3 out of town trips. Those were for a family wedding, an 1100+ mile road trip for my grandma’s 90th birthday party, and a few days for a New England getaway for Dan and I (with just the baby in tow; thanks to my Mom + sis for watching the older 3 and the dog). We also had two bouts of illness which included a febrile seizure for the baby (first ER visit of our 4 kids 😢) and food poisoning for me. Oh- and our puppy had two cases of hives. It would figure our family has food allergies and we also get a dog with allergies- we think it may have been from him eating crayons 🤦♀️😂.
(Baby and Boston skyline at sunset from our hotel room 🌇 )
Back to the farm/homestead- a week ago Wednesday (August 7th), we officially closed on the farm! We had been back and forth with the bank since April. Previously, we owned the mobile home we are living in and were paying his Dad for our portion of the property/farmhouse- so similar to a lease?
(Kids and Max; stopping for a minute on one of our walks ❤️)
Then last weekend after closing on the property, we also ended up buying his Dad’s tractor for use on the farm. The kids LOVE taking tractor rides. I think our son would spend all day, everyday on the tractor or lawn mower, if we let him ❤️. The baby had her first tractor ride too and cried when I got her off of it. We have already been putting the tractor to good use.
(Two of our girls enjoying a tractor ride with their Daddy this past weekend)
Now that the farmhouse is officially ours, we can FINALLY begin real renovations. This past weekend we started to remove the brick skirting to make it easier for them to lift the house (the first big item on the renovation list). Stay tuned for more of what has happened since my last post.
(Hard at work and being supervised by a 6 year old 😂)
Until then- have a blessed and beautiful day!
~ Jenn ~