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Cutting Away to Find Beauty

Jenn Suhay

Have you ever read (or watched) “The Secret Garden”? They cut back the overgrown weeds and trim the “dead” ornamentals to find that there is beauty hiding below- that it just needs some TLC. We’ve been cleaning up so we can start to provide some basic TLC to the farmhouse.

Tomorrow- we will have our appraisal done so we can finally close on the property to make it ours!!! Currently, we outright own the mobile home we are living in but have been basically leasing the land for the past year. After removing the overgrown weeds (some quite lovely: Mimosa trees anyone? Virginia creeper? Wild blackberries?), you can now see the beautiful front porch. I can already picture a porch swing and some rocking chairs out there. I’m so excited as we are getting ready to start on this massive project and see our vision of this farmhouse become a reality.

Perhaps you don’t have a flower bed or crazy project like ours. But... How about in your life with relationships? Learning to say “No”, to cut off or spend less time with people who are toxic to you (only use you or abuse you) can allow you to see more beauty in your life. Or time? Time is one of the most valuable things you have; where is your time going? Maybe it’s learning to say “No” to things/people so you can say “Yes” to God in other area(s) and bear more “fruit”.

What are you most looking forward to seeing in our renovation?

Have you thought of where to cut or prune your life to make it more fruitful and beautiful?

Until Next Time,


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